Should you Share Your bed With Your Pooch?

San Diego mattress stores about sleeping with your dogThere are mixed signals whether or not you should get your Z’s with your dog in the bed. It’s a case-to-case thing, with arguments for both sides, really. Even though it doesn’t sound like something San Diego mattress stores could shed some light on, Mattress Makers does have some information to share on the matter, since we are experts for all things mattress. Here’s the info we could find on this subject.

Come here!

Sleeping with your dog can have manifold benefits to your mental health and overall well-being. Here are some situations in which it would be good for you to cuddle up with your furry friend at night.

  • If you have problems falling asleep, the presence of your dog could have a sedative effect on you. The rhythm of their breath, the warmth or the feel of their weight in the bed can make you feel more relaxed and safe.
  • If your room feels a bit nippy from time to time, your dog can act like a natural electric blanket or like a personal fireplace.
  • If you are prone to depression, cuddling with your dog while sleeping increases the levels of oxytocin. Oxytocin is a chemical that causes feelings of happiness and bonding. It’s even dubbed the “cuddle hormone”.
  • If your dog tends to be anxious and insecure, allowing him or her to sleep with you could improve their self-confidence and feeling of happiness and in turn, reduce their anxiety.

Get off, girl!

Sleeping with your doggie is not all roses, though. There are situations when it’s not advisable that you invite your dog into your bed. And these are:

  • If you have allergies, you should ban your dog from your bed and your bedroom. Yup, probably sounds harsh, but that’s the best thing you can do for your nose. Your body needs some rest from the pet dander and it’s best to ensure your bedroom is dander-free.
  • If your dog is a restless sleeper and disturbs your sleeping, you should consider transferring your dog at the foot of the bed. A huge proportion of those with sleeping disorders report they sleep with pets who scratch them, hog the cover, roll around the bed or keep kicking them.
  • If your dog likes to get in between you and your partner, it could be better for your relationship or marriage to get the dog out. Cuddling to your partner improves intimacy and you shouldn’t let your dog jeopardize that.
  • If your dog is overly territorial or has a propensity for dominance, it’s best not to let him or her sleep with you, as that could exacerbate their behavior issues. For example, they could feel threatened if your child tries to climb into bed.

What’s the takeaway?

The takeaway is that there’s no reason why you shouldn’t sleep with your dog, if he or she is well-kept and looked after, healthy and has no dominance issues and you’re are not allergic to pet dander. Deciding not to sleep with him or her is also perfectly fine and understandable. Getting your dog out of your bed doesn’t have to mean they can’t enjoy a cozy bed. Get them a custom made mattress that will ensure they are comfortable, warm and snug. A high-quality mattress will also prevent or relieve joint problems and some health issues.

Don’t browse San Diego mattress stores for a custom mattress – we have it!

Save yourself the trouble looking for a mattress for your dog’s bed which is high-quality, but has a reasonable price tag. Mattress Makers is a local family business with a decades of experience in the industry and a true passion for mattresses. Our premium-quality mattresses reach you right from the factory. We have no middlemen, just exceptional quality, superior craftsmanship skills and exquisite customer care. Visit us in the showroom or reach out to us at  858-566-4408 – we’d love to talk to you!

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