What To Remove From Your Room Right Now For Better Sleep

Sleep Meme

We have become a people consumed with media.

Whether it be our TV, our smart phone, or our tablet, we are like the Depeche Mode we just can’t get enough.

The problem with this is it has started to affect our quality of sleep.

In order for us to get the most out of our sleep, I am going to reveal the number one item that is in the majority of our bedrooms that we must remove right this instant to maximize our sleep quality.

Drum roll please………

Our television.

This should be a no brainer, however according to a national consumer study, nearly two-thirds of Americans fall asleep with the TV on.

This is insane!

We have become so attached to our TVs that the average household has more TVs than people residing in their home.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying we need to throw out our TVs all together because I too enjoy watching the latest episode of The Walking Dead.

However, what I am saying is let’s enjoy our TV but not in the comfort of our bedrooms.

Our bedroom should only be for sleeping and connecting with our spouse (wink, wink).

There was a study done on two types of couples, those that have a TV in their bedroom and those that don’t have a TV in their bedroom.

It was discovered those that do have a TV in their room have sex half as often as those who don’t.

With that said, I now rest my case.

But wait there’s more.

Our TVs emit a blue light that tricks our brains into thinking it is day rather than night which in turn suppresses our bodies’ natural secretion of melatonin which is our sleep hormone.

By suppressing the production of melatonin it also throws off our circadian rhythm.

Whoa hang on there, you’re talking mumbo jumbo to me.

Let me explain.

Our circadian biological clock regulates the timing of periods of sleepiness and wakefulness throughout the day.

So, watching TV just before bedtime hinders our sleep because light is the main cue influencing our circadian rhythm, and this is turning on or turning off genes that control our organism’s internal clock.

Basically the artificial light from the TV over stimulates our brains tricking it to think it is day time.

Now let’s do a quick recap why having a TV in our bedroom is bad news.

1)  By having a TV in our room it leads to less sex with our spouse.

2) It throws off our sleep cycle confusing our brain into thinking it is day rather than night.

Hopefully this article has been helpful for you improving not only your sleep but also your relationship with your spouse.

If you have taken action removing your TV from your bedroom please let us know in the comments below as we would love to hear the wonders it has done helping you improve your sleep.



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