How to Tell When you Need a new Mattress

how to tell when you need a new mattress

Buying a latex hybrid mattress is only the beginning. After reading all the pocketed coil and latex mattress reviews, making a pros-and-cons list for spring mattresses and coil mattresses, and looking up how often to rotate your mattress, there’s one more thing you have to be aware of. There isn’t a single mattress that can last forever. Yes, some last a lot longer than others, but every mattress needs replacing at a certain point. So, here are the most urgent telltale indicators that it’s time tot look for a new mattress.

The age

As we’ve already said, mattresses can’t last forever. So, if you’re unsure how to tell when you need a new mattress, start simply with your mattress’ age. Premium mattresses boast the best longevity, but even they succumb to the constant wear and tear after seven years or so. If it’s been longer than then, it may be time to start thinking about replacing it.

You no longer wake up well-rested

Another piece of advice we have is to listen to your body. Whether or not your mattress still looks good-as-new, without any noticeable lumps or sagging, if you wake up feeling tired, something’s up. Yes, you might not think it, your mattress still looks like it’s in top-notch shape, but trust us – once you start waking up yawning and or aching each morning, it’s time to visit a mattress store.

Your body aches

Again, we have to emphasize – if you don’t know how to tell when you need a new mattress, carefully listen to what your body has to say. Waking up sleepy is one thing, but waking up sore and hurting is a code red! If it begins to happen to you, there’s only one thing left to do.

The sagging is noticeable

Nevermind the type of your mattress – sagging is a big no! Memory foam mattresses get softer over time, spring coils break, while latex compresses. All of these occurrences instigate sagging, which is an obvious sign that your once-cloudlike mattress is is flying a bit too close to the ground.

It has to be just right

Remember Goldilocks and her quest for the bed that suited her juuuuust right? Well, you should abide by the same standards. If you notice that your mattress has become too hard or too soft, a bear may not have slept in it, but it still means something bad has happened to it. If it no longer feels perfect to sleep in, then you know that you’ve found the perfect opportunity to find a new mattress.


Similar to sagging, lumps are visible to the naked eye. As you sleep in your bed every night, the padding of the mattress gradually shifts, and lumps appear. The uneven density that lumps point to means that you can no longer expect adequate support from your mattress. And, inadequate support means that you no longer sleep as rightly as you should be.

Sneezing stop!

Finally, you have to know that no matter what the mattress type, allergens do accumulate over time. Some mattresses are more resistant to it, such as latex and hybrid mattress, while others succumb to allergens quicker. Either way, if the sneezes start waking you up at night, or sneezing is the first thing you do in the morning, be quick about it and buy a new one. Nothing is more important than your health.

Don’t know how to tell when you need a new mattress? Don’t worry, we’ll help?

Mattress Makers are the finest manufacturers and sellers of premium mattresses in San Diego. The mattresses we make will last significantly longer, support you better, and provide you with the relaxing nights you never thought possible. If you’re experiencing any of the issues mentioned above, then come to our store and let’s solve the problem together.



Don’t have time to read the whole article? Watch the shortened video version below!

How Often Should you Rotate Your Mattress?

how often should you rotate your mattress

how often should you rotate your mattressThe process of mattress shopping can get complicated. After all, you’ll be sleeping on it for years to come, better to be thorough about it, right? So, you ponder what the best latex coil hybrid mattress could be, you read about the differences of coils and springs, you skim endless reviews of pocket coil mattresses, and then, surprisingly, you investigate the signs of needing a new mattress, because maybe your old one is still good? On top of that, once you actually do buy one, someone says you have to rotate it! What? Why? You have no idea how often should you rotate your mattress? This is the perfect place to learn then!

Why should you rotate your mattress?

First off, let us clarify our definition of rotating a mattress. When we say rotate, we mean rotate it 180 degrees, so that the foot of the bed becomes the head of the bed, and vice versa.

As for the ‘why’, you need to be aware of the fact that all mattresses suffer wear and tear caused by, you guessed it, sleeping on them. Rotating your mattress regularly prolongs its lifespan, preventing unnecessary damage, such as lumps and sagging. Plus, if you rotate your mattress periodically, it will support your spine better, keeping it in neutral alignment for longer.

How often should you rotate your mattress?

As for how often, it is difficult to reach a general consensus and give a one-size fits all type of answer. With so many different materials and techniques used for manufacturing mattresses, a uniform code of mattress conduct is not entirely possible to make.

However, there is a rule of thumb that suggests rotating your mattress once every three months to keep it in best shape possible. Some say it should be done once in a year, but we find this to be too infrequent. However often you choose to do it, make sure you stick to the routine you’ve planned out.

How exactly should you rotate your mattress?

Ok, now that you’ve been given a suggestion on how often should you rotate your mattress, it’s time to deal with how to rotate it. It might sound simple as just picking it up and jiggling it about the bed frame, but there is an actual method to it.

We suggest to plan all your rotation dates for up to a year in advance. Don’t just pick it up when you feel like it, there should be a system to it. Four time a year seems like a good number for mattress rotating, so let’s begin there.

Before you actually do pick it up, make sure you prep the space and plan how you’re going to do it in advance. Remove any breakables from the vicinity and envision how you’re going to do it. Knowing the answer to the question, “how often should you rotate your mattress?” is only the beginning.

Lastly, make sure you’ve got a vacuum cleaner there beforehand too, and a wet cloth to follow, with some cleaning products as well. This is the perfect opportunity to clean the area of the bed frame rarely accessible otherwise, and get rid of those pesky allergens that might have temporarily moved in.

Once you’re done with the rotation process, lie down for a quick check to see if there are any noticeable differences in sleeping comfort and spine support. Surely there will be, but the best way to be certain is to check. If you fall asleep without planning to, you’ve done a good job!

“How often should you rotate your mattress?” has been answered. Now, what about a mattress to rotate?

Why not make it the best mattress in San Diego? Because that’s just what Mattress Makers offer – the finest mattresses money can buy. We’re a family business with a long tradition of mattress making, and we’re here to make your every sleeping wish come true. Stop by our store and see what we have to offer. We’re confident you won’t go home empty-handed!

Top 8 Reasons To Buy A Natural Latex Mattress

Natural Latex Mattress - Mattress Store San DiegoA natural latex mattress is the ultimate choice if you are thinking of making a strategic investment in the quality of your sleep. Maybe it’s not perfect for everyone, but it’s certainly the best nature’s given us to sleep on. Are we coming across confident? We have reason to be. It’s because natural latex mattresses are…


More than a third of people sleeping on natural latex mattresses report a noticeable reduction in pain. Latex soothes painful points because it exerts low pressure. This reduces the pain you are experiencing, but also mitigates future bone and muscular problems. Natural latex mattresses provide suitable support without excessive pressure, allowing your spine to align properly.


This is one of its top advantages. It’s really a naturesend and one of the few materials out there with the fewest chemicals possible, none of which are toxic. Virtually all other types of mattresses release certain chemicals as they get older, which increases pollution levels in your bedroom. Organic latex mattresses are the best of the best, because only organic fertilizers are used for the latex-producing trees and no herbicides nor pesticides are allowed. This eliminates any potentially harmful substances from coming into contact with you in your sleep.


Natural latex is inhospitable to dust mites, mildew and mold, which can all be very problematic for everyone, not just people with asthma and allergies.


Natural latex mattresses excel at motion isolation. This is crucial for couples. It means that movements on one side of the bed, such as turning around and getting up, reflect minimally on the other side. If your partner is a light sleeper who tosses around frequently, you can rest assured you won’t feel it.


Different layers can be applied in order to get a certain feel tailored specifically to your preferences. If you and your partner cannot agree on the level of desirable firmness, you can even have a mattress with one super-firm side and the other plush. If you get a mattress with no glued parts, you can even replace upper layers to refresh it and prolong its life.


If you’re tired of having a saggy mattress after having your mattress only a few years then you want to look into a Natural latex mattress. You can depend on a latex mattress to last about 2-3 times longer than the traditional one sided or memory foam or poly-foam mattress. If you put the cost of purchasing a natural latex mattress in long term perspective, it’s an obvious pay off. It’s a high-end product that will eliminate the need for frequent changing, will provide you a natural and supportive surface for all that time.

Off Gassing-Free

This is important for everyone, regardless of your sensitivity to smells. All-natural latex releases virtually no smells or gases. This is because very few chemicals are used in the production process. If you happen to smell something, most consumers say it’s a very faint and inoffensive smell.


Natural latex mattresses are growing in popularity because of their eco-friendly properties. Latex is harvested from trees without hampering their growth and well-being. They continue to process the air, and produce oxygen, which reduces air and water pollution. Latex trees live for 30 years at times, and in the cases of organic growing, no pesticides are used, preserving the soil as well. On a broader scale, this ensures biodiversity is conserved.



6 Quick Tips for Choosing the Right Mattress

Mattress shopping can be one of the most daunting tasks we each face at some point in our life. Whether the reason being due to the fact that you have no idea if the mattress you try in the store is going to feel the same as when you buy it, or you are simply overwhelmed by the sea of white rectangles in the mattress showroom, we have come up with five mattress shopping tips to turn a once daunting task into an enjoyable experience.

1. Bring Your Pillow!

The pillow is one of the most important pieces to this puzzle. Your back support and comfort all starts with the pillow. The pillows is 15-20% of your spinal support, so if that’s out of alignment, everything else is likely to follow. A pillow can greatly affect your experience on the mattress. Some pillows respond better on certain types of mattresses. If you are happy with your pillow at home then we recommend bringing it with you when you go mattress shopping. If you’re not happy with it, then make sure you are properly fitted for the right pillow when you are in the store.

2. Know your sleep position

Side sleepers– Most of the weight and pressure is on your shoulders and hips. A mattress that is too firm will trigger those pressure points causing you to toss and turn. A medium to plush mattress is recommended for a side sleeper.

Stomach sleepers– Beware of the soft mattress. A mattress that is too soft will cause you to get in the reverse hammock position and will cause lower back and neck pain. Just an fyi, this is the unhealthiest of the sleep positions because most of our weight is in our midsection and makes it difficult to maintain a neutral spine position.

Back sleepers– The most versatile of the sleep positions. As long as the mattress is conforming to your natural “S” curve then Plush, medium or firm can all be an option. A quick tip for back sleepers, placing a pillow under your knees helps with keeping your spine in alignment.

3. Know Your Support      

Too firm            too_soft             Just_right

      Too Firm                              Too Soft                         Just Right

4. Know Your Materials

The materials of the mattress greatly affect the durability. Latex, Memory Foam, and Polyfoam, are the 3 main materials that are used for padding. Latex is the longest lasting and most expensive, followed by memory foam, and then polyfoam.

If you like latex, make sure you know if the latex you are buying is 100% all-natural latex or blended latex. Some places may mislead charging you all-natural prices when in reality they are giving you synthetic latex.

If you’re leaning toward memory foam, try not to go with anything less than 4 – 5 lb density. Also choose an open cell memory foam as it sleeps cooler than a closed cell and usually is of a better quality.

If you are keen on a more traditional polyfoam mattress, make sure the density of the foam is 1.8 lbs or greater. Foam that is less than 1.8lb density is cheaper quality and assured to wear down quicker. If the shark, I mean salesperson, does not know that, then go on to the next store.


5. Know your budget

A new mattress does not need to break the bank. And just because one mattress is more expensive than another doesn’t necessarily mean it’s better for you. Only you know your budget, but a high quality traditional coil mattress should not cost thousands of dollars.

Budget guide  Mattress lasting

1-5 years: $200-$500

5-10 years: $500-$1300

10-20 years$1100-$2500


6. Know your comfort

When you first lay on a mattress your body is likely to be tense and not relaxed. We recommend you spend at least 3-10 minutes on each mattress to give your muscles and joints time to relax. Doing this will allow your body to detect any uncomfortable pressure points or pains that are not being relieved by the mattress.comics-WUMO-mattress-soft-572301


Bonus Tip  Wear comfortable clothes when mattress shopping similar to what you wear to bed. If you wear your birthday suit when you sleep then make sure you come dressed with loose clothes because ain’t nobody wanna see that.



If these tips have helped you in any way during your time out mattress shopping drop us a line as we would love to hear from you. If you have other criteria you use when mattress shopping let us know as we would love to hear what helped you ease through that daunting task.

Also If This was just too much information for you take in all at once. DOWNLOAD our FREE PDF by clicking the image below. It’s a simplified version of this article. You can print it out and take it with you while you mattress shop.


Pocket Coil Mattress Reviews: Benefits of Pocketed Coils

pocket coil mattress reviews

If you’re reading pocket coil mattress reviews, chances are you’d like to buy a pocket coil mattress with a latex top, and that you’re already familiar with all the differences between spring mattresses and coil mattresses. But, let’s see what the biggest benefits of pocketed coils actually are.

The support is individualized

Perhaps the biggest advantage, the one all the other benefits of pocketed coils stem from, lies in the design and construction methods of these mattresses. You see, pocketed coils operate independently from one another, thus enabling each coil to flex completely separately from the others.

This, in turn, provides individualized support from each of the pocketed coils, making sleeping on the same bed with a partner a breeze. Pocketed coils minimize, or altogether eliminate, many sleeping disturbances, and prevent the so-called “rolling effect”, where you can roll of the bed or toward your partner in the middle of the night. And all of this because each coil functions independently!

Pocket coil mattress reviews state that coil tension plays a significant role

Each pocket coil functioning as a separate organism within a larger structure, but that’s not the only aspect of pocketed coil mattresses that allow for unprecedented sleeping comfort. The other aspect of the design is the tension of each individual coil.

You see, not every coil in a mattress is the same, not by a longshot. Typically, the coils are separated into three categories – firm, medium, and soft. Based on these categories, pocketed coils come together in groups, and these groups form the base of the mattress.

And, we haven’t yet come to the best part of different coil tension that many pocket coil mattress reviews applaud. By selecting the coil tension, you can basically “design” a mattress that perfectly fits your needs. For example, if you’re experiencing back problems, just opt for firmer coils in that area, and watch your problems disappear.

Pocketed-coil mattress reviews say they’re cool

And in both ways too! But, the coolness we’re going to discuss has nothing to do with wearing leather jackets and motorcycle boots. Due to the way these mattresses are designed, the air flows more freely between the coils, allowing your mattress to breathe properly, and provide a cooler sleeping surface during those sweltering summer months. And, depending on your choice of topping, the air circulation can be further facilitated with, say, a latex mattress top.

Unparalleled durability for peaceful dreams

Now, we’re personally hoping that with you knowing your mattress will last far longer, you’ll get better sleep. To get serious, pocketed coil mattresses are a lot more durable than regular mattresses. And it’s not just us, all pocketed coil mattress reviews say the same!

This is due to them not being one uniformed surface, but rather many independent bits and pieces operating together as a whole to provide the best sleeping experience. This means no more lumps, no more hollow bits for you to sink into, and no more thinking about if you’ll have to find an adequate sleeping spot in between the two. If this doesn’t make your dreams more magnificent, nothing will.

Pocketed coil mattresses are not all function, but a bit of luxury too

Speaking of dreams, you can choose just how luxurious you want your pocketed coil mattress to be, shaping it into your own little piece of perfection. Pocket coil mattress reviews don’t mention this possibility all that much, but they should. The options are many, and you can surely find the combination that makes the mattress you’ve always wanted.

Have you always imagined flamboyant padding and plush cushioning? You’ve got it! Elegant and sleek fabric on top to cover it all? Absolutely no problem! Pocketed coil mattresses come in all the shapes, sizes, and finishes you could ever want, so it’s really no bother choosing a style you’ve always sighed for.

“I’ve read all the pocketed coil mattress reviews, and I want one!” Great, we’ve got some!

Mattress Makers is the finest manufacturer of mattresses in the San Diego area, nay, all of California, nay, the world! Immodest? Perhaps, but once you come to our store and lie down on one, you’ll see we’re being utterly sincere. We’ve been making mattresses for many years. To us, it’s a family tradition, one we are happy to continue. Our only goal is to give people a chance to sleep soundly, and our mattresses do just that. So, if you really do want the best pocketed coil mattress, stop by our store, and we’ll help you find one!

Coil Mattress vs Spring Mattress: What’s the Difference?

coil mattress vs spring mattress

With more and more people everyday looking for the best hybrid mattress, it seems that the popularity of once unprecedented spring mattresses is starting to fade. The benefits of pocket coil mattresses, as well as hybrid ones, are much discussed, but traditionalists still claim that springs have their merits. So, coil mattress vs spring mattress – let’s see how there two battle it out.

Coil mattress vs spring mattress round 1 – Design

Don’t feel bad or uninformed if you’re unfamiliar with the differences in mattress coils, or spring, as some call them. Springs are the parts that provide support to the bed, and that’s all there is to it, right? Not quite.

Traditional mattresses, mattresses of the olden days, have steel springs that create a network in the mattress. They are exposed. On the other side, pocketed coils have fabric around them, they are wrapped in it, and each pocket coil has its own casing. Pocket coils work independently from one another, as opposed to the network of spring coils. That is the primary benefit of pocketed coils – independence.

Coil mattress vs spring mattress round 2 – Shape

As we’ve already said, an innerspring mattress possesses a series of springs connected into a single, homogenous unit. The coils used in the production of these mattresses have the shape of an hourglass, meaning they are wider on the bottom and the top, and rather thin in the middle. This kind of shape can cause problems with sturdiness and sleep support.

A pocketed coil does not feature an hourglass shape. It is, on the contrary, uniform from the bottom to the top. No narrow bits, same width throughout. Due to this uniformity of shape, there are no weak points, the coils are stronger, and this makes sure the bed holds up for a lot longer that the regular, innerspring mattress.

Coil mattress vs spring mattress round 3 – Support

We have already briefly touched upon the matter of sleep support, but let’s take one brief moment to explain it further. The difference in the support of spring mattress and pocket coil mattress stems from their basic build design.

Because the coils of an innerspring mattress form a single network, the distribution of weight is, again, uniform, meaning your weight is not distributed independently over different areas of the mattress, as it should be. While you lie down, the entire surface of the mattress shifts, making for a not-so-natural sleeping experience.

When it comes to pocket coil mattresses, the entire system is independent, coil to coil. While you lie down, those coils pressed down with your weight will react, and those that aren’t wont. This way, the mattress responds to night movements, relieving stress from the pressure points of your body, distributing the weight evenly, making your good night’s sleep as comfortable as possible.

Coil mattress vs spring mattress round 4 – Couple comfort

Due to all of the abovementioned, you can pretty much guess the conclusion of this aspect of spring mattress-coil mattress bout. Let’s illustrate this with an example – you’re having an early night, and your partner’s coming home late. You might be down with the flu, while your partner is tormented with a huge workload. Whatever the situation might be, you’re sound asleep in the bed, your partner preparing to sneak in underneath the covers.

With innerspring, the sneaking in part won’t be as successful. It can squeak, it can bounce, it can create all kinds of unpleasant disturbances. Even when you get used to it, and not wake up at the noises, it can still distort your deep sleep.

With pocket coil mattresses, you will hardly ever hear or feel a thing as your partner does his or her best to creep into the bed. No squeaks, no bouncing, only minimal motion transfer and sound sleeping for both.

Coil mattress vs spring mattress round 5 – Affordability

Prices have long been the last stand of traditional, innerspring mattress advocates. And it has been true for some time. In the beginning, when pocket coil mattresses were new, just emerging on the market, the production costs were high, and they were quite expensive.

Nowadays, however, we are witnessing a shift in mattress prices. Pocket coil mattresses are still more expensive than innerspring mattresses, but only a bit more. And, when you get to thinking, is it really that bad to pay a tad more for a mattress that will improve sleep, provide adequate support, and last longer? What it lacks in initial costs, the pocket coil mattress sure makes up for in the long run.

The coil mattress vs spring mattress is a KO, and we know the best place for you to find one

It does seem like the pocketed coil mattress wins the fight without even breaking a sweat. The benefits are so numerous you’d be hard pressed opting for a traditional innerspring mattress. And, if you’re looking to buy, you’d also struggle to find a better place than Mattress Makers. We are a family business, dedicated to one thing, and one thing only – the quality of your sleep. That is why we do our best to make the best possible mattresses – we want you to sail away to dreamland every night. So, if it’s pocket coil you want, we’ve got a hefty selection. Stop by our store today!

Best Adjustable beds for Seniors

best adjustable beds for seniors

The best adjustable mattress and bed are not hard to find, as long as you know who they are meant for – the product’s fascinating evolution made sure of that. Whether it’s supposed to accommodate two very different people or just one person with unique needs, or be used for practical or therapeutic reasons, it doesn’t matter, there’s an ideal adjustable bed for anyone! So, if you’re in the market for the best adjustable beds for seniors, you’ve come to the right place. Here’s what to look for!

The best adjustable beds for seniors who have a medical condition

Quality sleep, delivered through adjustable bed bases,  can alleviate numerous chronic conditions – from allergies to respiratory issues. For instance, raising the head at an angle – a decidedly coveted feature of adjustable beds – releases the pressure in the chest and gives the sleeper some much needed relief.

One medical condition that poor sleeping conditions can only aggravate is muscle and joint pain. Promoting blood flow and the intake of oxygen could be one way to avoid this, and these are achieved through changing the usual sleeping position to that known as zero gravity. This is one reason adjustable beds are so sought after.

If your elderly loved one is bedridden, either temporarily, (say, due to a fracture), or permanently, an adjustable bed, especially one that comes with a wireless remote control, is one way to improve their quality of life. Sleeping in an adjustable bed will result in improved circulation, which reduces the likelihood of developing sores, and aids in the body’s natural ability to regenerate effectively.

The best adjustable beds for seniors who seek comfortable leisure time

Seniors deserve to be cozy and comfortable even when they are relaxing with a good book, watching their favorite TV show or having a phone call. If they happen to drift off to sleep midway through a leisure activity, no problem – with the perfect position at their fingertips, the bed can be repositioned almost instantly.

The best adjustable beds for seniors who share a bed

Split beds are definitely the best option for seniors who share a bed. Each section can be set to a different angle so as to cater to each person’s individual needs and not disturb the other sleeper.

Mattress Makers offers the best adjustable beds for seniors and more!

Anyone, including seniors, can greatly benefit from quality sleep, which is just what user-friendly adjustable beds deliver. More quality sleep means enhanced quality of life, something our aging loved ones truly deserve. Here at Mattress Makers, we’re committed to helping you get the most out of that precious commodity – sleep. Call us today and let us know what we can do for you!

Split vs. Undivided King: Which Adjustable bed Base is Right for me

adjustable bed base split king

On your quest for the best mattresses for adjustable beds and adjustable bed bases, you’re bound to come across a variety of options, born out of years and years of this innovative bed’s evolution. There is variety, not just in terms of the bed’s features and special requirements, like in the case of the infirm, but also in terms of size and the number of people it can accommodate. You’ll just have to decide for yourself, but it’s safe to say that the adjustable mattress base king size is bound to offer the most flexibility in terms of adjustment. We’re here to present you with two excellent options: adjustable bed base – split king mattress combo, and adjustable bed base paired with the undivided king mattress.

Adjustable bed base, split king variety is perfect for couples with different preferences

The split king adjustable bed base consists of two twin XL mattresses, each of which are designed to deliver personalized comfort to each sleeper. In other words, you and your partner might be in it for better or for worse, but the sleeping arrangement that only one of you likes – no dice! Adjust the bed’s position and firmness to your own unique preferences and going to bed will be your favorite part of every day.

Undivided king-sized adjustable bed base – ideal for couples who think alike

Unlike the adjustable bed base split king option, the divided king size mattress on top of an adjustable bed base is meant for people who do not need two separate sections with independent adjustment. The lack of this feature makes the undivided king adjustable bed base the more affordable alternative, but not one lacking in luxury. The bed is still made up of two parts – one for the head and the other for the foot of the bed. The bottom line is – you’ll still have a spacious bed that you will love!

Mattress Makers: adjustable bed base split king or undivided king – we’ve got you covered!

If you are a firm believer in quality sleep with extra comfort and luxury, whether you sleep alone or share the bed with a partner every night, do yourself a favor and choose the adjustable bed base. Split king or undivided king – it’s up to you. No one can guarantee to you that a single choice is ideal for you, so you’ll just have to visit Mattress Makers and give both options a try! Either way, a king size mattress will make you feel like royalty night after night. Here at Mattress Makers, we’d love to be the last thing on your mind before you drift off to sleep, so give us a call, or better yet, visit us today!

The History of Adjustable Base

mattress firm adjustable base

Is your bed your sanctuary? Rightly so. But, if the time has come to replace your old bed with something that is not only in vogue but also adds to your sleep quality and wellness, look for a renowned adjustable bases mattress manufacturer. Once you’ve purchased your new adjustable base mattress firm, (or plush, whichever you like), you will be amazed by its practicality and versatility regardless of your age and preferences. As long as they are manufactured by a trustworthy mattress firm, adjustable base beds are a smart choice if you’re looking to enhance sleep quality and comfort, whether you share the bed with a partner or sleep alone and have the bed all to yourself.

But first, a slice of history. If you’ve ever felt curious about the history and evolution of adjustable base beds, here it is! Well, you probably haven’t, but we promise you it’s not worth brushing up on.

The first adjustable base mattress firm: adjustable base pioneers

It was in the late 19th century, in Cincinnati, Ohio, that the ingenious invention of the adjustable base took place. The mattress company that started it all was called Andrew Wuest and Son. In a move that was most certainly ahead of their time, they focused on practicality as well as comfort. However, this was a very basic, simple variety of the adjustable base we have today – only the head of the bed was flexible.

Getting down to business: adjustable base for medical purposes

It was the beginning of the 20th century when doctor Willis Dew Gatch noticed that post-surgery wound drainage would go much smoother and faster if the patients weren’t left lying flat. The new 3-segment invention, dubbed the Gatch Bed, made it possible for recovering patients to sit up as well as lie down. Later, another doctor, doctor Fowler, modified the invention to allow a 90 degree position as well.

Modern hospital beds were modelled after the Gatch Bed, although they’ve advanced dramatically since those early days. They now come with various added features and are effortlessly operated, giving the patients more comfort and enabling easier patient care and a more rapid recovery.

Beyond necessity: adjustable base beds for home enjoyment

It was in the 1970’s that TV sets became common in the bedroom and a cross between the traditional bed and a couch was just what people needed. This was how adjustable base beds became synonymous with home comfort, but that was just the beginning. The technological advancement that the 21st century brought in the field of adjustable base development would have been considered pure decadence by the 1970’s folks. Whatever the next step in the evolution of adjustable base beds, one thing is certain – they’re here to stay.

Mattress Makers, the #1 local mattress firm: adjustable base options abound

Looking for a reputable local mattress firm, with an adjustable base at the top of your shopping list? Mattress Makers ticks all the boxes! We have a diverse array of adjustable base beds to add to your health and comfort, whether you’re sleeping or resting. Give us a call or come down to our store and let us introduce you to your new sanctuary!

Do Adjustable Beds Damage Mattresses?

do adjustable beds damage mattresses

You want an adjustable base for your bed, but you’ve heard stories that sent a couple of chills down your spine. Your beloved mattress will be shredded to pieces. It’s definitely not that grim, you just need one of our adjustable base friendly mattresses. We trust you already know who makes the best adjustable bed bases in San Diego and how durable bed bases are, but, do adjustable beds damage mattresses in any way? Read on to find out!

Well, do they?

This is a relative question. It depends on the adjustable base you want to buy, but it also depends on the mattress you own. To be completely honest, there are mattresses that simply don’t play nice with adjustable bases. So, if you want to know if adjustable beds damage mattresses, don’t start with the base, start with the mattress.

On the other hand, if you know how adjustable bases work, you know there are variations to them. Some are simpler, some more complicated. Some are sturdy, others aren’t so much. Some are more flexible, allowing different types of mattresses to be paired up with it. Other bases, however, are more rigid, and need a mattress of a specific kind in order for the mattress to last.

So, the answer to the question is not an easy one to give. The point is this – if you have a mattress that suits the base, there will be no MORE damage than the usual wear and tear every mattress endures. If not, however, your mattress will be strained, and it will degrade more rapidly.

We hope this answers your doubt about the dilemma about the potential lifespan of your mattress on an adjustable base. If you want to maximize its life cycle, then pay attention to the type of mattress you plan on using. Speaking of which, let’s see how to choose a good mattress for your adjustable base.

The qualities an adjustable bed mattress should have

You need to know how to choose a mattress that will go well with your brand-new adjustable bed base. Basically, it should check two boxes – flexibility, and its size and weight.

Simply put, the perfect mattress for an adjustable base should be as flexible as possible. Since the base is constructed of several moving parts, the mattress should contour to the base as much as possible, so as to fit as snuggly to the base as possible. If you want to buy a rigid mattress, our advice is to not buy an adjustable base.

Mattresses that are a bit, or more than a bit, on the rigid side, tend to wear out a lot more quickly when coupled with an adjustable base. They simply can’t withstand the constant changes in shape, and they don’t fit properly to the base. All of this increases stress on the mattress, making it less durable, and decreases its lifespan.

The second aspect is the size and weight of the mattress. As said already, adjustable bases are complicated. They have movable parts, electric motors, joints… A good adjustable base mattress is not a heavy mattress.

The heavier it is, the more strain it will put on the base, potentially damaging it in the long run. Not only should you think about your mattress, but you should also take good care of the base as well.

As for the size, just pick the size that suits the base perfectly, a tight fit. Any smaller or larger, and you risk damaging the mattress while operating the base. Be like Goldilocks, find the one that is just right.

So, we hope this brings you closer to answering, “Do adjustable beds damage mattresses?”. We think it should help, and know that you should be good to shop now. However, let’s just take a quick look at the two best types of mattresses for adjustable bases.

The best mattress types for adjustable beds

Finally, let’s close the chapter on the, “do adjustable beds damage mattresses”, debate and look at the two mattress types that are suitable for adjustable bases.

The first type, and the rather obvious candidate, is the memory foam mattress. No mattress is quite as flexible as a memory foam one. Although they have their drawbacks, they are a perfect match for an adjustable base.

Memory foam mattresses are known for their ability to contour to the body. Well, they do the same with adjustable beds. They flex easily, they match the shape of the base, and they don’t sacrifice any of the comfort while doing so.

The runner up is the latex mattress. These ones are 100% natural rubber, and, you’ve guessed it, work beautifully with adjustable beds. So, why the are latex mattresses in second place?

Well, truth be told, they are a bit less flexible than memory foam mattresses, and the sleeping feeling is different. When paired up with an adjustable base, people say that it feels a bit buoyant.

Eliminate this slight problem by opting for a thinner latex mattress. This way, it will adapt to the base more easily, potentially altogether eliminating the issue of buoyancy.

Do adjustable beds damage mattresses? Ours don’t!

Don’t listen to those who’ve made mistakes when choosing their adjustable bases and accompanying mattresses. You have Mattress Makers on your side, and we would never let you make such a mistake. If you want an adjustable bed for its many health benefits, we have the best ones.

And if you’re worried it will damage your mattress, you can stop worrying immediately. We have the best mattresses for adjustable bases too. We value our guests and put their sleeping comfort first. So, if you’re looking for the perfect base and mattress for you, come to our store ASAP! We can’t wait to help you.